Form a company with Express Company Formations
If you would like to pay your company formation order upfront via credit/laser card please click on the ‘Pay Now’ button below, alternatively you can go direct to Company Formation Order Form to submit your company application and a representative from Express Company Formations will contact you to arrange bank transfer.
*All credit/laser card transactions are handled securely by the ‘Stripe’ payment gateway.
Please read through the requirements for a company formation below to ensure that the process is successful.

Express Formations, Company Setup Requirements
Please note in order to meet the legal requirements under the Money Laundering Act 2010 two forms of Identification must be submitted with your order form.
This applies to both company directors for any ROI or UK Registered Limited Company. We would like to request that you scan the following two items to as a copy for our records only.
1.) Photo I.D. (Scanned copy of Passport or Drivers License)
2.) Evidence of Residential Address (Utility Bill with your name and details of current residential address)
This information is entirely confidential and will be stored on our secure server. The information will not be released to any organisation or statutory body unless there is a legal requirement for same.
Please complete the order form and return to by email. Your company order will be submitted to the Companies Registration Office, CRO, the same day and we guarantee you that your company will be setup in 2 to 3 working days.
As soon as we receive your Certificate of Incorporation from the Registrar of Companies we will forward to you the following in your company pack;
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Share Transfer Forms
- Share Certificates
- Minutes of the Directors First Meeting
- Letter of Resignation from our Nominee Directors
- Letter of Resolution for the appropriate Directors
Companies Registration Office Form B10 For the First 6 month Annual Return (compulsory for all companies to file) - Combined Company Register and Minute Book
- 4 Copies of the Constitution
- Company Seal
Express Company Formations Ltd, also offer the service of registering your company with the Revenue Commissioners for Corporation Tax, VAT and Employers PRSI, (TR2 Form).