Your company’s registered office address is its formal address. This is the address to which all legal notices, including correspondence from the Companies Registration Office (CRO) and Revenue Commissioners will be sent.
While your registered office address can be anywhere in the State, it must be a physical location and not just a post office box number. This is because people have the right to visit your company’s registered office to inspect certain registers and documents and to deliver documents by hand.
Express Company Formations offer a professional registered office facility for Irish and International companies. When your company avails of this service, we provide you with a centrally located registered office address and a timely mail forwarding service. This ensures that you can deal with all relevant correspondence in a timely manner.

All Irish companies whether trading or not are obliged to file an Annual Return every year at the Companies Registration Office no later than 28 days from its statutory Annual Return Date (ARD). The annual return sets out certain information pertaining to the company.
A new company’s ARD is six months from the date of incorporation (with no accounts) and thereafter the company is obliged to file an annual return and financial statements with the Companies Registration Office once a year.
Where accounts are required to be attached to the annual return, the return filing deadline is either:
- The company’s ARD plus 28 days
- The company’s financial year end plus 9 months and 28 days – whichever is the earlier
The annual return form is a legal document which outlines details of the company such as; company registration number, company name, registered office address, director(s) and secretary details, authorised and issued share capital, members and their shareholding.
Failure to file your annual return within 28 days of your ARD can result in late filing penalties being imposed (€100 + €3.00 per day thereafter) and a loss of Audit Exemption.
District Court Application to Extend the Filing Date for an Annual Return
Since removal of the CRO’s late-filing waiver scheme, companies late filing their statutory returns and financial statements with the CRO must avail of Section 343(5) of the Companies Act 2014 to avoid the penalties and audit-exemption loss. Where extenuating circumstances contributed to the annual return not being filed on time, Section 343(5) permits the company to make an application before a District Court Judge for an order extending the time for filing the return.
Companies must be represented in this Court process and good advice, from affidavit drafting to representation in Court, is key to achieving a successful outcome for the company, directors and accountant.
To help you avail of a Section 343(5) extension to your annual return date, please contact a member of our team.

Liquidations – How to liquidate a company in Ireland
At Express Company Formations we understand the stress that Directors and Shareholders encounter when faced with liquidating their company. The service we offer is our professional assistance with a considerate approach throughout the liquidation process from start to finish.
There are 3 different types of liquidation processes:
- Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
- Members Voluntary Liquidation
- Court Liquidation
The EU Anti Money Laundering 4th Anti Money Laundering Directive (AML4D) that deals with beneficial ownership of corporate entities 2016 Regulations defines a beneficial owner as a natural person that controls at least 25% of a company’s share capital, either directly or indirectly. As Ireland is part of the EU all companies located within are required to comply with this AML requirement.
Any person who has a shareholding of more than a 25% in a Private Company, Trust or Industrial & Provident Societies, in any way is required to file with the RBO. The directive also covers people who do not have share capital but who do have a controlling interest through other means.

Express Company Formations can assist you in registering a domain name for your business and also provide you with a LITE Business Package which is vital for your business. Your domain name is your very own ‘brand’ or ‘identity’ in the internet. It allows you have your own website and email addresses that you have control over and can host wherever you want!
At a very affordable price our Lite Business Package includes;
- .ie /.com Domain Registration
- 750MB Web Space
- 2Gb Monthly Transfers
- 30 Email Accounts; <your_name>
- Online Control Panel Access
- FREE Website Statistics
- Unlimited Email Aliases
- Cgi-Bin, FTP
- MySQL5, php5
- Webmail Access
- Linux or Windows Hosting
For more information on this package please contact a member of our team.
At Express Company Formations we know the importance of a web presence and a well designed site, but also we are aware of the myriad choices and complexities facing business owners when choosing to create a web presence. Building on our experience we can guide and assist you through the web design process, culminating in a site that both meets your needs and also provides an online window to your business.
Our Web Development Business Package includes;
- Guidance in picking the best type of website design to meet your needs and budget
- A professional WordPress theme customised to your branding and content
- Your new site constructed using WordPress, the world’s most popular tool for creating websites
- Features such as web forms, online store, content sliders and emarketing tools
- Training to post updated content to your site in a way that you can control
For more information on this package please contact a member of our team.